Dried Cherry And Fudge Scones Recipes

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A good balance between sweet and sour.


  • icing sugar
  • a few dried cherries
  • 75 g fudge
  • To Finish:
  • 25 g caster sugar
  • 150 ml milk
  • 225 g self-raising flour
  • 75 g dried cherries
  • 50 g butter


  1. Pre-heat oven to 130C/450F/gas 8 and lightly grease two baking trays.
  2. Sieve the flour into a large bowl. Cut the butter into small chunks and add them to the flour.
  3. Rub the butter into the flour until it resembles bread crumbs. Add the sugar, milk, cherries and fudge.
  4. Use a blunt knife to mix the ingredients together into a soft dough. Press and mould it with your fingers to make it smooth.
  5. Sprinkle an area of work surface with flour and place the dough on it. Roll out until about 1cm thick.
  6. Cut shapes out of the dough. Squeeze the scraps together and roll out again.
  7. Repeat step 6 until all of the dough has been used.
  8. Put the scones onto the prepared baking trays, leaving plenty of room between each scone.
  9. Bake for 7-12 minutes or until golden brown and risen. Remove from the oven and place on a wire rack to cool.
  10. Sprinkle with icing sugar and serve on a plate with a few extra dried cherries.

Dried Cherry And Fudge Scones • Yield: 8 servings

  • icing sugar
  • a few dried cherries
  • 75 g fudge
  • To Finish:
  • 25 g caster sugar
  • 150 ml milk
  • 225 g self-raising flour
  • 75 g dried cherries
  • 50 g butter

Dried Cherry And Fudge Scones Nutrition Facts:
• Diet:
• Calories: 98.02
• Fat: 56.16
• Carbs: 110.16
• Protein: 31.36
• Cholesterol: 44.49
• Calcium: 28.72
• Sodium: 5.02

* E.g. 137.29 = 137mg or 137g – 29%
Nutrition Facts labels are not always factual.

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