Cherry soya yogurt Recipes

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A dairy-free vegan smoothie with fruit juice, tofu and oats to power you up at breakfast or provide sustenance for exercise


  • 100ml (¼ tall glass) cherry juice (we used Cherrygood)
  • 200ml (½ tall glass) unsweetened soya milk
  • 1 cherry soya yogurt
  • 3 tbsp or 50g firm silken tofu
  • 75g (1 empty yogurt pot) frozen cherry
  • 2 tbsp porridge oat


  1. Measure all the ingredients exactly or use a tall glass and your empty yogurt pot for speed – they don’t have to be exact. Put them into a blender and blitz until smooth. Pour into 1 tall glass (you’ll have enough for a top up) or two short tumblers.

Cherry soya yogurt • Yield: 2 servings

  • 100ml (¼ tall glass) cherry juice (we used Cherrygood)
  • 200ml (½ tall glass) unsweetened soya milk
  • 1 cherry soya yogurt
  • 3 tbsp or 50g firm silken tofu
  • 75g (1 empty yogurt pot) frozen cherry
  • 2 tbsp porridge oat

Cherry soya yogurt Nutrition Facts:
• Diet: Balanced
• Calories: 24.04
• Fat: 17.55
• Carbs: 20.54
• Protein: 22.33
• Cholesterol: 16.71
• Calcium: 63.04
• Sodium: 8.70

* E.g. 137.29 = 137mg or 137g – 29%
Nutrition Facts labels are not always factual.

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