Grilled Sausages in Pita Bread Recipes

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  • 20 sausages (such as italian hot and sweet, or fully cooked varieties like chicken or andouille*), halved crosswise
  • 10 pita breads, cut in half horizontally
  • 3 heads of baby romaine, leaves separated, or two 5-ounce bags mixed baby greens
  • Assorted mustards

Grilled Sausages in Pita Bread • Yield: 10 servings

  • 20 sausages (such as italian hot and sweet, or fully cooked varieties like chicken or andouille*), halved crosswise
  • 10 pita breads, cut in half horizontally
  • 3 heads of baby romaine, leaves separated, or two 5-ounce bags mixed baby greens
  • Assorted mustards

Grilled Sausages in Pita Bread Nutrition Facts:
• Diet: Balanced
• Calories: 141.95
• Fat: 138.50
• Carbs: 96.81
• Protein: 137.76
• Cholesterol: 116.67
• Calcium: 51.71
• Sodium: 265.94

* E.g. 137.29 = 137mg or 137g – 29%
Nutrition Facts labels are not always factual.

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